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OMO National Park

The park was proposed for its extensive wilderness area and prolific plains wildlife; it is important for the very large herds of Common Enland and for the conservation of Elephant.

Location: the park is situated in South Omo Zone, of Southern Region some 870km south of Addis Ababa. Its altitude ranges between 440-1,183m asl. It is located adjacent to Mago national park close to the Sudan border.

Rainy season: the rainfall in the park averages about 810mm/year. The wet season is March to June with a second wet season in September. The main dry season is December to February.

Temperature: the highest temperatures are 36-40oc in December – February and the lowest are 20-21oc in March –May.

Ecological zone: Rift Valley system

Vegetation type: Savanna characteristics predominantly plains, deciduous woodland, bushland and riparian formations.

Major wildlife species: include Common Eland, Buffalo, Elephant, Burchell’s Zebra, Greater Kudu, Lesser Kudu, Lelwel Hartebeest, Tiang, Waterbuck, Oribi, Oryx, Giraffe, Grant’s gazelle, Gerenuk, Hippopotamus, Crocodile, De brazza’s monkey, Patas monkey, Black-backed Jackal, Warthog, African hunting Dog, Guenther’s Dikdik, Lion, Leopard, Caracal, Cheetah, Striped Hyaena, Bat-eared Fox, Serval Cat and Ostrich.

Major physical/geological features: Omo River; extensive Ililbai, and Sai plains and Kuma hot springs.

The surrounding people: Surma, Bume, Dizi, Bacha, Bodi and Mursi

Wildlife viewing: the park is one of the least spoiled wildernesses with splendid attraction of rich savanna and geo-morphological formations. The park is perhaps the last strong hold for several species of wildlife. The most notable are the spectacular population of common eland, buffalo, tiang and Grant’s gazelle. These large concentrations of plain species can be seen through a game derive to the Illibai and Sai plains.

Outside park: Colorful life style of Surma is fascinating.

Accommodations: Jinka and Maji towns offer accommodations. Or else camping is possible inside the park, specifically along Mui River; this is best recommended as both towns are a long away from the park. However, campers should bring all their camping and cooking gears.

Access: the park can be reached by road and air-either via Jinka or Maji.
